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Some Thoughts


Hello, fellow Wikipedians! I just wanted to hop on here before I start working on the article to introduce myself, let everyone know what I’ve seen in the article that could use some improvement, and see if anyone has run into the same issues I am seeing and has suggestions. I’m working on this article for a class (it’s true), but I also really want to improve the page for its own sake, and for the sake of its many readers. For such an important page, I’m shocked it’s as underdeveloped as it is.

The first thing I’m encountering as potentially problematic is the brevity of the Human Physiology section. I’d like to introduce a Foundations of Physiology section that Human Physio could be a sub-section of, along with sub-sections for plant physiology and the physiologies of non-human animals.

Another thing I’d love to hear your thoughts on is the placement of the Women in Physiology section. I know there’s been a lot of contention surrounding the inclusion and placement of this information. I think the information may work better if included in a Notable Physiologists section rather than tacked on to the end of the History section as it currently is.

I’m really looking forward to working on this page! Morrieormaury (talk) 20:30, 2 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]

I suppose that a key issue here is that Physiology is such a broad concept that adding more content in any one particular area might start to make the page unbalanced (and I think that there is already some unbalance present). I wonder whether Outline of physiology might be used to help structure new sections; perhaps even merging the two, as I'm not sure how widely the Outline articles are used. Klbrain (talk) 03:19, 29 March 2020 (UTC)[reply]